Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Easter Candy Haul

Despite the image above, I really don't eat a lot of candy. Or even sweets in general. I've offered up boxes of year old Girl Scout cookies to friends who were shocked by my will power (or maybe horrified by old cookies). Put a basket of fries in front of me though and that's a different story.

For some reason these candies were just calling my name the other day while I perused the aisles of Target. I'm not a fan of Peeps but I do like chocolate covered marshmallows - these Milk Chocolate Covered Peeps are still yellow in the middle, although the shape is a little different. I was also intrigued by these Peepsters which come in milk or dark chocolate with marshmallow creme in the middle. I can't remember ever eating Marshmallow Fluff, but the creme inside these tasted almost like frosting. They were okay, but I feel like this bag might still be hanging around next year. Mini Cadbury Creme Eggs just make me think of childhood, or rather my junior high years. You see, when I was little I remember asking my mom about these Cadbury Creme Eggs and she told me that they had real eggs in the middle and that I didn't like eggs. It wasn't until junior high that I finally got up the courage to eat one and discovered it was a sugary creme that LOOKED like an egg inside. Well you'd better believe I made my mom go buy multiple cases of Cadbury Creme Eggs at Costco and I ate one at lunch every day. No wonder I got so fat. These mini eggs are much more reasonable for daily consumption with only 40 calories each! Finally, from Trader Joe's I picked up a bag of Bunny Gummy Tummies. I do really like my gummies and these have a tiny little bit of liquid inside like Gushers (remember those??).

Normally my cheap ass would wait until the day after Easter so I could buy them at 50% off, but the last few candy holidays (Halloween, Valentine's Day) my strategy backfired and there was nothing left!  This should be enough sugar to hold me over until the next holiday though. Wait... is there anything between Easter and Halloween?? Mother's Day?

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